What’s the need for Influencer Marketing?

2 min readMay 31, 2021


People trust social media influencers a lot more than celebrities because they relate to the social media influencers more. The influencers seem like normal people so their fan base connects with them on a deeper level.


According to various surveys, word of mouth produces more than twice the sales of paid advertising. Which means that recommendation has an impact on the purchasing decision of a consumer. By using Influencer marketing strategy, brands can leverage the power of word of mouth through social media personalities.


As the reach of social media increases day by day, the followers base of Influencers increases which means the brand can reach more of their target audience everyday.


The celebrity endorsement looks more promotional. The Influencers don’t push out ads. When they deliver content to their followers it comes off more genuine and less promotional. They create videos on Unboxing and using the product which looks organic. That’s why it generates more engagement than a celebrity endorsement.

Somya Gupta, an influencer and lifestyle blogger in India is the best example of an influencer who has used Instagram page and YouTube channel to advertise products of various brands such as Loreal, Maybelline, Garnier, Pepe Jeans, and LG Smartphones.

People block and skip ads

To watch uninterrupted content online, people actively block and skip ads which is a feature which was not available on the television. This indicates that marketers should move on to other strategies to gain customer trust.





Freeskout is a free mobile application that allows brands and influencers/bloggers to connect with each other with no middlemen.