Useful tips for working with nano and micro-influencers

2 min readMay 20, 2021

Here is everything you need to know about working with nano and micro-influencers. Let’s start with the significance and main cause of working with nano and micro-influencers. Instead of focusing on big guns in the market, one must understand where their audience is most actively present.

With time, the influencer industry has proven that micro-influencers can be more effective than hugely popular influencers. Also, not to ignore the added advantage of working with micro-influencers is that you can reach the masses easily.

Each influencer can have as little as a few thousand followers ranging to 100k followers, please remember that the number is not that important, at least not compared to the influence they have over their audience. Simple logic 1 million followers yield 1% engagement rate while, but if 100k followers yield a 20% engagement rate then the choice must be obvious. A smaller yet active audience means direct engagement and larger reach. Instead of choosing a single influencer with 1 million audience, one must opt for 50 micro-influencers which would cost them the same amount but will also help them to reach a wider target audience.

Let’s take a look at this example : Let suppose an fashion influencer has 5 million fragmented followers (from people passionate about fashion to people who follow for entertainment to people who follow just because of her popularity) which also means that the influencer might not have enough time to engage with her audience and reply to each comment she gets. Products promoted by the influencer might not leave a larger impact on her audience. Meanwhile, a micro-influencer who has




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